Springing into Action: Why Aluminium Gutters are the Hottest Trend this Season!

Hey there fellow spring enthusiasts! As we shake off the frosty winter blues and welcome the chirping birds and blooming flowers, it’s time to give our homes a little TLC. And what better way to do that than by jazzing up your house with some shiny, new aluminium gutters?

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Aluminium gutters? Really?” Yes, really! Forget the boring old plastic ones or the rusty metal ones that make your house look like it’s stuck in the ’90s.

water flowing in gutters

How to Choose the Right Aluminium Guttering for Your Home (Without Losing Your Marbles). Home improvement tips from the top!

You’ve got a home, and it’s your castle. But what good is a castle when its defences are leaky, leaving you feeling like the king of soggy socks? It’s time to fortify your realm with the right aluminium guttering. Don’t worry; we’re here to guide you through this noble quest with a touch of humour and some down-to-earth wisdom that’ll help with your home improvement this winter.

Chapter 1: The Climate Crusaders

Are you in a land where the weather can’t make up its mind,

Elevate Your Home’s Elegance with Aluminium Gutters

Introduction: Nestled in the heart of Manchester, a city known for its industrious spirit and cultural heritage, a family-run business is quietly revolutionising home exteriors. Welcome to Aluminium Gutters Direct, your gateway to a world of elegance and protection. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey through the captivating realm of aluminium gutters, downpipes, copings, fascias, and soffits, revealing how these unassuming elements transform into true works of art that grace homes across Manchester.

Why aluminium gutters?

Aluminium gutters have been gaining popularity in the UK due to their long-lasting durability and cost-effectiveness. Compared to other materials like PVC or steel, aluminium gutters require less frequent replacements, making them an ideal choice for homeowners, builders, and contractors looking for a long-term solution. In this buying guide, we’ll focus on Alumasc gutters and provide an overview of their features, as well as important factors to consider when selecting and installing an aluminium gutter system.

aluminium gutter installation

Sustainability in UK construction

In recent years, UK construction has actively focused on sustainability, and for a good reason. Buildings and infrastructure contribute significantly to carbon emissions and energy consumption. That’s why many UK construction companies are looking for ways to make their buildings more sustainable, and one such way is by utilising materials with a lower environmental impact. Check out the UN SDG’s for more information on the Global Goals.

When it comes to rainwater systems,

Spring time gutter cleaning


When the weather begins to warm up, the birds begin to sing, and the flowers begin to bloom, spring is a great time of year. However, cleaning your gutters becomes a must as soon as spring arrives. As they aid in directing rainfall away from the foundation of your home, gutters are a crucial component of the roofing system of your house. However, they can result in water damage and other expensive issues if they are blocked with leaves,

Cast Iron Benefits

The 6 amazing benefits of cast iron gutter and pipe

But AGD – the clue is in the name, you only supply aluminium gutters right? Wrong! At AGD we understand the properties of cast iron and have experience supplying, installing and maintaining it on a range of buildings nationwide.


Cast Iron does not, and will not bend or change shape under significant load. This means it is the ideal selection for long term investment and management of a property.

Arthur´s 8 facts about Aluminium Gutters

When trawling the market for the right profile and material for your new aluminium gutters system, there is a wealth of options to choose from. The best way to understand what is right for your project is to do adequate research about the pros and cons of each gutter material and profile. Aluminium is extremely popular in the UK and is considered the most well rounded and versatile choice.

Here are 8 facts about Aluminium Gutters you should know:


Arthur Aluminium Gutters

Preparing your roof for Spring

As the weather starts to get warmer after enduring the harsh months of winter, there has never been a better time to get your roof ready for Spring! Inspection of your roof following the cold and wet winter months is crucial for the longevity of your roof. One way of observing the health of your roof is by careful inspection from ground level, however, for a more coherent and thorough inspection, it may be necessary to get onto your roof.